Data Tracking & Reporting Pricing Packages

Google Analytics is one of the best tools for tracking all elements of your website. Google Analytics can provide the comprehensive data necessary to make well-informed decisions. At expressdigital360, we provide extensive industry knowledge and experience to understand all the layers of data that are presented to you, how to extract the most out of the program, and how to apply what’s been derived to your business.

FeaturesBasic PackageEcommerce PackageEnterprise Package
Google Analytics tracking setupYesYes Yes
Setup of golas & eventsYesYesYes
Social reporting integrationYesYesYes
Audience segmentationYesYesYes
Google Analystics troubleshootingYesYesYes
Data analysisYesYesYes
Ecommerce setupYesYes
KPI discoveryYesYes
Custom dashboard - based on KPIsYesYes
Funnel setup & analysisYesYes
Visitor segment bounce rate reportingYesYes
Geo-profiling insightsYesYes
Landing page tracking & reportingYes
Campaign optimization intelligence reportYes
Website conversion rate recommendationsYes
Custom link tag script integrationYes
Custom Google Analytics tracking variables Yes
Initial Services:contact us for pricecontact us for pricecontact us for price
Monthly Audit & Reporting Services (Optional):contact us for pricecontact us for pricecontact us for price

If you have any questions, please contact us or send email to

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