Page Traffic Data Driven Sitemap Tool

Messy sitemap

Do you have too many files in sitemap?

Do you know how to prioritize all the files automatically?

Do you know how to only include the most active pages in your site map?

These days, search engine optimization is not enough for a website to rank high in search engines and earn great visibility online. The competition between website is fierce, with all of them doing their best to rank as high as possible in search engines and gain more visibility. This has brought to light the use of site maps with SEO used together to rank better within search engines.

 An XML sitemap will let a website owner feed specific information about the pages to be crawled by the search engines. Since the number of web page grows so fast and it can be quite frustrated to maintain the sitemap and prioritize the pages based on real world data. 

Page Traffic Data Driven Sitemap Tool

We are sharing the same issues, therefore, we started to develop an automation tool which can leverage the web traffic data and created a dynamic sitemap based on real users' activities. By updating the sitemap 2 times per month, we found out that it is really easy to maintain this sitemap and the SEO performance increased average about 5% from both ranking and web visitation point of view.

How does this work?

Page usage data Driven sitemap

The benefit of using this data driven Site map:

1. All the data came from real user’s activities. It always only include pages with user’s activities. All the old pages will be automatically removed from site map. 

2. We can create 2 versions of site maps. Landing page version allow you focus on search facing pages. This can be really useful to help you prioritize SEO work. You can also create site map to include all viewed pages. 

3. Instead of guess the priority of each file, we calculate the priority based on the file usage. This is the most accurate way to prioritize pages on the site. You can also overwrite the priority when you want to promote any pages.

4. The cost of using this new tool is really low and the ROI is really high!

Data Driven Sitemap Pricing

Package 1: Monthly $20 ( Create either landing page site map or all viewed page site map 2 times per month )

Package 2: Monthly $30 ( Create either landing page site map or all viewed page site map 4 times per month )

Package 3: Monthly $15 ( Create either landing page site map or all viewed page site map 1 time per month ) 

Free try out for 1 month 

Try Data Driven Sitemap

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