How to let people find you?

Are you suffering from low page rank?
Are you experiencing a low click through rate?

Don't worry. You are not alone. We can help. Our search engine optimization experts can help you audit your web sites, identify SEO technical issues, implement SEO strategy and track the performance improvement. We also help customers to conduct competitor analysis to optimize the keyword bidding strategy and brand management.

Site Audit

We utilize different SEO tools to evaluate the search- ability of your website and identify any SEO issues that need to be repaired or improved to boost your page ranking. 

Since search algorithms and technology change at a rapid pace. You want to perform mini-audits monthly and full audit every 4-6 months or after a major change in your website.

On-Page SEO

When evaluate the crawl results, there are several on-page SEO items we need to check. 

  • Duplicate content
  • Header
  • Title tags
  • H1 tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Keyword theme
  • Best practice

Internal & External Links

A site with logical hierarchies is good at SEO ranking. This is why it is important to build and check internal & external links.

  • Handle broken links
  • Build logical hierarchies
  • Build healthy external links
  • Remove toxic links
  • Build links from social platforms
data driven SEO-site-audit-tags-links-KIP-reports|Express Digital 360

Improve -> Measure -> Improve

The SEO work needs a improve, measure and improve cycle. We have a KPI set to measure the improvement from new SEO work and quickly show the progress and potential issues.

  • Keyword ranking can help us understand whether or not we are targeting the right keyword theme and whether or not your site is actually growing.
  • Backlink quantity and quality 
  • Organic search traffic quantity and quality.
  • Mobile usability 
  • Click through rate(CTR)
  • Domain Authority


Let's Start to Improve SEO

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